Empowering Caribbean

Inspire growth, happiness and empower citizens throughout the Caribbean.

a street lined with palm trees and parked cars
a street lined with palm trees and parked cars

Different ways to Empower Caribbean

Connecting professionals for career and personal development opportunities.

a close up of a paper with a pen on it
a close up of a paper with a pen on it
Sponsorship & Partners

Be recognized for the powerful changes you are making.

Sponsorship, partnership opportunities exist in the Mobile Health Clinic and upcoming Conferences.

closeup photo of gramophone
closeup photo of gramophone
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
woman in black and white shirt writing on white paper
woman in black and white shirt writing on white paper
Judges, Jury Panels and Guest Speakers

We are looking for a panel expertise within their respective fields and industries to volunteer their time to process nominations for the upcoming Caribbean Women Empowerment Awards.

Want to become a special guest at our upcoming Conference, Gala or Awards night? Contact us and we will be in touch.

Get in Touch with Us

Reach out for support and collaboration in your journey.

woman sitting on poolside setting both of her feet on pool
woman sitting on poolside setting both of her feet on pool